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/ Fonts for You / Fonts For You (Fantazia Concepts)(1994).ISO / script / truetype / s22e.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1994-08-02  |  68KB
Labels: bulletin board | dirt track | earth | fence | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | road | sky
OCR: 01234 567 68 12 The quick brown fox jumes Quer the lagy dag. 1 The quich braun lax jumhs Quer the lazy 6op Ihe quich brawn fax jumps oren the lazy dog. 36 The quich braun lax jumhs ouen the lazy 48 Ihe quich hrawn Lox jumhs 0ue 60 quich brawn Kox rum 72 quich 2x abcdel hiihlmno 9199 KSmNOP2R ER9GMb bNbL8 4567 frown over jumfs laqy Quen